You Probably Had No Idea How Some Of Your Favourite Fruits, Vegetables And Spices Grow

You Probably Had No Idea How Some Of Your Favorite Fruits, Vegetables And Spices Grow

1. Cacao


2. Peanut


3. Cinnamon


4. Vanilla


5. Pineapple


6. Kiwi


7. Black Pepper


8. Almond


9. Avocado


10. Starfruit


11. Sesame Seeds


12. Coffee


13. Mango


14. Cashew


15. Saffron


16. Capers

Both the flower buds and the fruit of the caper are edible!

17. Persimmon


18. Brussel Sprouts


19. Artichokes

Artichokes are actually the stiff petals of a beautiful flower.

20. Tea Plant


21. Pistachio


22. Pomegranate



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