China passenger train hits 300 mph, breaks record

CRH380A is one of the three Chinese train series which have been designed for the new standard operating speed of 380 kmh on newly constructed Chinese high-speed main lines. The other two are CRH380B and CRH380C. CRH380B has been developed by China North Locomotive and Rolling Stock Industry (Group) Corporation (CNR) in cooperation with Siemens, and it is manufactured by Tangshan Railway Vehicle and Changchun Railway Vehicle. CRH380C is Bombardier’s Zefiro 380, which is a special design for China Railway, to be produced at Bombardier Sifang (Qingdao) Transportation Ltd, a joint venture by Bombadier and CSR Sifang.

China on Saturday launched the world's fastest train service covering a distance of 1,068 kms at the average speed of 350 kms an hour. The distance between Wuhan in central China and Guangzhou in the country's south was covered by the high-speed train in two hours forty five minutes. The train reached a maximum speed of 394.2 km per hour during trail runs that begun on December 9. Officially, on Dec. 26 the world's fastest train will be open for traffic on high-speed railway Wuhan-Guangzhou – for the longest in the world and is a “record” is also on the speed. Distance more than a thousand kilometers to be covered in three hours at an average speed of 340 kilometers per hour.

 Some Features Of CRH380A

According to CSR, the overall design of CRH380A reflects ten system innovations.

* Low-resistance streamline head, The nose design of the train has a resistance coefficient of <0.13.
* Vibration mode system matching, it has optimised the bogie to match the performance of the body and improved the train's interior structure to improve the car body's natural frequency, which helps reduce the body's structural vibration during the high-speed running and improve ride comfort.
* High-air-tightness body, enabling the train body air tightness to decrease from 4000Pa to 1000Pa in more than 180 seconds. The pressure change rate inside the train is less than 200Pa/s, with the maximum pressure change inside the train remaining below 800Pa compared with the standard value of 1000Pa. This ensures good ride quality at high speed.
* Safe and reliable high-speed bogie,equiped with SWMB-400/SWTB-400 non-boster bogies, The bogie is redesigned from SWMB-350/SWTB-350 bogie used by CRH2C, the critical instability speed is 550km/h. The new train's derail coefficient is 0.34 at speed of 386.3 km/h while the maximun derail coefficient of CRH2A is 0.73.
* Advanced noise control technology, By reducing sources of noise and adopting new sound absorbing and insulating materials, CSR has been able to control noise inside the train,The noisy is at 67dB – 69db when running at 350 km/h, which is similar to the CRH2A running at 250 km/h.
* High-performance traction system, with YQ-365 motors manufacturer by CSR zhuzhou electric co.,Ltd and CI11 Traction converter manufacturer by Zhuzhou times electric co.,Ltd.
* High-speed dual-pantograph current-receiving performance.
* Safe and environment-friendly brake system,regenerative braking should result in the energy feedback rate hitting 90%.
* Human-oriented passenger interface.
* Outstanding intelligent performance.


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