Save The World Before Its Too Late

 Ten simple things you can do at home are listed below.
1) Learn about endangered species in your area

2) Visit a national wildlife refuge, park or other open space

3) Make your home wildlife friendly

4) Provide habitat for wildlife by planting native vegetation in your yard

5) Minimize use of herbicides and pesticides

6) Slow down when driving

7) Recycle and buy sustainable products (reduce, reuse, and recycle!)

8) Never purchase products made from threatened or endangered species

9) Report any harassment or shooting of threatened and endangered species

10) Protect wildlife habitat

“By protecting habitat, entire communities of animals and plants can be protected together. Parks, wildlife refuges, and other open space should be protected near your community. Open space also provides us with great places to visit and enjoy. Support wildlife habitat and open space protection in your community. When you are buying a house, consider your impact on wildlife habitat.”world-without-us-green-prophet-book-review-image

The Endangered Species Collation also offers many links to help get everyone involved. Through their website you can find refugees, parks, zoos, etc., near you. They are also accepting donations.

This is “our” world, but it was theirs first and the human race is not only destroying their world, their homes, and their resources to live, we’re also destroying them. Thousands of species are dying and humans are a large reason for that.

It’s time to step up and admit we are the problem, to accept the fact that we have done wrong by these species, and take responsibility for our actions. It is just a little more work on our part, but we owe it to our wildlife. It’s time to start fixing these major problems before it’s too late, because once a species is gone, we’ll never get it back.

The matter of fact is, your children or grandchildren, may never see your favorite animal. Wake up people; make room for our wildlife, before it’s too late.


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